There is level wheelchair access through the North Gate into the churchyard from Exeter Street, slightly up the hill from the church. There is shallow stepped access from the West Gate but this is challenging for unassisted wheelchair users.
Inside the church
Main access into the church building is via the ground floor ringing chamber in the tower but via a lobby to the north of the tower when ringing is in progress.
St James has a good accessible toilet with baby-change facility located near the internal entrance doors.
The levels inside the church vary and the aisles are narrow but it is possible to sit in the aisle. It is also possible to sit with a wheelchair in the open area to the right (south), but visibility is somewhat restricted from here. We are looking at how we can reduce the number of levels and improve the seating to make it more flexible and inclusive.
- Accessible toilet.
- Baby change facilities.
The following are all available on request:
- Wheelchair
- Portable wheelchair ramp
- Large print hymn and service books
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